Black Clover

BLACK CLOVER is a captivating Japanese series, penned and illustrated by Yūki Tabata, immersing readers in a realm overflowing with magic. Within this enchanting universe, Asta, an exuberant orphan bereft of magical talents, harbors a fervent ambition—to claim the esteemed mantle of Wizard King.

Asta and Yuno, raised together in an orphanage, share a bond forged by their shared dream—to ascend to the exalted position of Wizard King. Yet, their paths diverge starkly; while Yuno demonstrates prodigious magical talent, Asta grapples with his lack thereof, compensating through rigorous physical training.

When Yuno falls prey to Lebuty, a malevolent foe seeking his prized Grimoire, Asta confronts the adversary head-on. Fueled by his unwavering friendship with Yuno, Asta taps into untapped reservoirs of strength, attaining the power of a Black Clover—a coveted five-leaf clover Grimoire. United by their aspirations, Asta and Yuno embark on an exhilarating odyssey toward the shared goal of seizing the title of Wizard Kin.